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Murphy's Law LLC
Melinda McElheny, Esquire

Practice Areas:

Our firm offers a legal fee lending solution with provider LawPay called Client Credit through Affirm

This website may constitute Attorney Advertising under applicable rules of professional conduct. Material found on this site is informational and should not be considered a guarantee of services or an offer of representation.


I do my best, but even as a trained attorney, I cannot possibly think of literally everything that could go wrong.

No one can predict the future. Anyone who tells you they can is a liar, not a lawyer.

But it is my job to try to think of the worst case scenario, and to tell you about it.

I believe this is why attorneys are so unpopular.

Located at 201 E Lincoln Street, Suite B, Lindsborg, KS 67456

(Mail to PO Box 166, Lindsborg, KS 67456)

call or click above to schedule in-person or video appointments

(785) 787 - 4040

Open by Appointment

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